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Everything posted by Hazard

  1. In-game nick: hazard Reported player's nick: FrewpCraxKeR Date/Time: 7/22/2024 Reason for report: wep.dat modifications Extra Info: https://youtu.be/6ZghGyRFvHo
  2. Time will be discussed and posted here.
  3. We’ve discussed the following time with our team members and they seem to be okay with it, Ibee will confirm here after discussing with his team mates. - 1st March, 16 GMT (Friday)
  4. Nickname: [RT]Hazard Country: Pakistan, PK Timezone (GMT +/-): +5 Discord: hazard_pk
  5. Nickname: [RT]Hazard Team Name: Velocity Vandals Past experience as Captain: MAGNA (won), CTF Tournament (lost due to members withdrawing) Discord: hazard_pk
  6. Don't spam, we'll reply you when we think it's better time. You have to remain patient.
  7. Only half an hour left, what is your purpose?
  8. Firstly, you were given the reply at the correct time and date by Martyrdom on 12th October. We gave you an early reply to avoid these kind of problems which are happening right now. You ignored his reply and after 5 days you replied to adjust the hours sometime later. Then we replied you that most of our team members aren't going to come because the time you said to settle was too late for us. We told you that it is a risky time after 17 GMT as most of your team members might be aware what happened in TLA vs MR match where most of us were getting timeout and ping issues. Then Siezer repl
  9. Name successfully changed from W4l33D to Waleed.
  10. Unfortunately it's too late for you to reply, you have to attend the match in 2 hours.
  11. Let's try disabled for now.
  12. I, [MDr]Halal_Hazard acknowledge the rules and my participation in the event as a member of Resurgence & co.
  13. You need at-least one more member to get approved.
  14. I think for now there should be 150/130 HP for the person doing efforts in trying to steal and his HP should get refilled by the limit of 150/130 like as an example.. Faly has HP of 90 (He was the one who was constantly getting in the car, trying to deliver it or the deliverer) There is a HP Addon of 20 if I'm correct Faly has 90 HP. He makes a kill and his health is increased to 110, he makes a kill again and his HP is increased to 130. I think this seems fair atleast for now (I don't think there is a need of armour, just HP because there was a bug of armour getting removed ins
  15. The idea you're talking about, I support it. The things you suggested are OP, a one hit kill weapon can make the players irritated. If you ask me what I think is to add something not too much OP but minimum level thing which attract death-matchers so that they actually understand the gameplay instead of making kills
  16. Use your phone or the method below. Press Print/Screen/SysRq Open Mspaint (don't say you don't know how to open Paint) Press Paste then save the picture Head to imgur.com, upload your picture there and send us the link.
  17. Well if that's the case, I would like to hear the opinions of other people.
  18. I would just suggest not to remove the skin, also it was used in VCDC'6 so you can't really judge that (according to me) Just a free suggestion, I would like to hear the opinion of the people here.
  19. The bugs were fixed on the skin as far as I know, most of the players are using this skin nowadays. If you don't like it, don't take it. About the bugs, I already said that the bugs were fixed on the skin.
  20. In-game nickname: [MDr]Wehshi_Hazard Timezone: GMT+5 Time spent in VCMP: Joined in last months of 2012 Do you fully understand the server rules, or otherwise, the Code of Conduct: Yes Do you have any past experience as a staff member: Grand Theft Auto European City - Moderator Grand Theft Auto Asian City - Manager [0.4] Extreme Addicts | Official Server - Moderator ViceLand | Freeroam | Mapping - Moderator Why would you like to join the staff team: I think I can help the staff in growing the server by contributing my time, sincerity and any possible help needed.
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