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  1. Last week
  2. Ingame nick: [MK]RaGNaRoK Past experience: EC admin,VCCnR DM Manager, RTV Mod,Low Gravity Mod, ECBC Admin, EAD League Referee,RTV Championship Referee,VCDC 6 Referee
  3. Final Score Miami Killers [2] vs [4] Riot Zombies Bases Played Airport CargoPrint WorksRock City Referees Present [SS]Gohan., AnaLiZator^, [SS]Pettan, [RT]Marcus_Sindacco, [RT]UmaR^ Round Logs 1. Airport Cargo (Attackers: Miami Killers) Winner Riot Zombies by successfully defending the vehicle. Miami Killers [0] vs [1] Riot Zombies. Scoreboard MVP: [F2]WizZ^ for most score in winning team. Round duration: 387 seconds. 2. Airport Cargo (Attackers: Riot Zombies) Winner Riot Zombies by successfully robbing the vehicle. Miami Killers [0] vs [2]
  4. 7th December Saturday 19 GMT Confirmed
  5. 15th December Sunday 18 GMT Confirmed.
  6. Earlier
  7. Match schedule organization on discord captains area, will be announced soon. Most probably any Sunday 18 GMT.
  8. currently discussing on discord in #captains-area, will be posting the decided time here for record.
  9. Round 2 Matches Complete list of matches can be found at challonge. Group A SS - Secret Slayers vs PU - Punjabi Underthots. RT - The Resurgence #2 vs TLA - The Last Alliance Ac3 - Ace Wolves. will sit out for this round. Group B RZ - Riot Zombies vs MK - Miami Killers. VU - Vice Underdogs vs RT - The Resurgence #1. PLA Legend will sit out for this round. Deadline All the above matches are to be completed on or before 15th December 2024. Bases The bases to be played in this round are: Group A [24] Washi
  10. Final Score The Last Alliance [3] vs [5] Secret Slayers Bases Played Bikers vs MuseumVicepoint HelipadRock CityAmmunation Roof Referees Present AnaLiZator^, [MK]iBEE_tH3_RuL3R., [RT]Marcus_Sindacco Round Logs 1. Bikers vs Museum (Attackers: The Last Alliance) Winner Secret Slayers by successfully defending the vehicle. The Last Alliance [0] vs [1] Secret Slayers. Scoreboard MVP: [SS]kendrick. for most score in winning team. Round duration: 397 seconds. 2. Bikers vs Museum (Attackers: Secret Slayers) Winner The Last Alliance by successfully def
  11. Final Score Ace Wolves [5] vs [1] Punjabi Underthots Bases Played Vicepoint HelipadBikers vs MuseumSpand Express Referees Present [RT]Marcus_Sindacco, [MK]iBEE_tH3_RuL3R., [RT]ZeeX., [SS]Pettan, [SS]Martyrdom, [RT]UmaR^, [SS]Gohan., [RT]Israfil, [SS]Borjigin Round Logs 1. Vicepoint Helipad (Attackers: Punjabi Underthots) Winner Ace Wolves by successfully defending the vehicle. Ace Wolves [1] vs [0] Punjabi Underthots. Scoreboard MVP: DISGR[AC3] for most score in winning team. Round duration: 388 seconds. 2. Vicepoint Helipad (Attackers: Ace Wolves
  12. no i was banned since december or november of 2023
  13. Match confirmed for SATURDAY 16 GMT.
  14. [Ac3]S3Z4R has been replaced with [Ac3]Marine.
  15. Ahhh thought it was recently, yes you are banned since January.
  16. you did https://postimg.cc/DJnyx413
  17. I did trust the call of jah for reporting you... Since he was inside the pizza I thought you were not from behind or had a gap onto there, instead of doing a "report" like this you should basically tell me that you had angle from there... this case is simply useless as can be easily fixed by a command this server has which is /unwarn. I do accept my mistake but I won't accept that you are blaming me for "spending time on giving warns and bans to everyone without evidence"...
  18. I didn't banned you lol
  19. Hello! This is an automated reply. Please wait patiently while a Server Administrator handles the report. Please make sure the report does not violate any rules and is in proper format (link), otherwise it will be ignored and denied. P.S. Do not reply to this appeal if it does not concern you.
  20. Your Ingame nick: 2smookey Admin that banned you: [SS]Gohan Reason: cr Date / Time: 23/10/23 Info: I have been banned from the RPG for more than a year and I need to play with this weapon so I ask please to be given another chance, I was banned 1 year ago and the time of the ban was 4000 days
  21. Hello! Thank you for writing the report. Please wait patiently while a Server Manager handles the report. Please make sure the report does not violate any rules and is in proper format (link), otherwise it will be ignored and denied. P.S. The report will be locked until an administrator validates and unlocks it.
  22. In-game nick: 2smookey Admin's nick: [SS]Gohan Reason of report: Warn for nothing Date/Time [GMT]: Today Extra Info: (If any) He gave me warn simply for "wg" when I just shot the player when he peeked through the door, This administrator spends his time giving warnings and bans without evidence to everyone.
  23. Hello! Thank you for writing the report. Please wait patiently while a Server Administrator handles the report. Please make sure the report does not violate any rules and is in proper format (link), otherwise it will be ignored and denied. P.S. Do not reply to the report if it does not concern you.
  24. In-game nick: 2smookey Reported player's nick: =TLA=klaseN Date/Time: Today Reason for report: cr Extra Info: (If Any) What this newbie does when he is cornered is to take out the RPG and start doing close range and so that the server does not warn, he makes you CR when you have 100% life and then finishes you off with Ingram or he does CR and jumps back so that the kill shows that they were more meters away, Even the administrator Zeex had already given him a 10 min ban before and waited for Zeex to leave to get RPG again and do cr https://postimg.cc/MMJTkQwG
  25. You were wrongfully banned, your ban is already revoked.
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