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Matches: Final Stage

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We'd like to congratulate TLA, VU, MR and TJOTD for making it to the final stage and cheers to all other teams for their participation.

The group stage has been a little slow paced and enthusiasm has been missing throughout due to deserters and mass panic due to recent attacks. However, since everything is back to normal and teams have already been filtered out, we hope the final stage ends up far more interesting.

The championship was meant to be rather a small event, therefore the final stage will be formatted in a single elimination format. Nonetheless, suffice time period will be given to arrange these matches.

Matches List
Below is the challonge embed for the list of all the qualified teams and their respective matches.


  • For tiebreakers, extra rounds will be played in the final stage.
  • The matches will consist of 4 rounds instead of 3.
  • Bases will be selected by teams instead of pre announced / random bases.


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