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Base changelog

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June 13th, 2021

-> Haitian Drug Factory

Two ways to reach the target vehicle zone for both attackers and defenders. Defender's spawn can no longer be blocked by attacker's RPG.



2021-06-14 17-09-37-0805.png

2021-06-14 17-09-51-0343.png

2021-06-14 17-10-07-0263.png


-> Fullmoon Wars



2021-06-10 12-57-14-0999.png2021-06-10 12-50-15-0802.png2021-06-10 12-49-58-0197.png




-> Pueblo de los banghos


2021-06-10 13-04-21-0220.png



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  • 1 month later...

July 31st, '21

[2] Ship Wars
The map was straightforward M4 fest, instead of removing it, I reworked on it to preserve Devil_Jin's work.

  • Expanded the map to fit more players and give more access to both ships.
  • Altered spawn, vehicle and checkpoint positions.
  • Changed vehicle to Virgo.
  • Disabled wallglitch and set time to night.

[38] Construction Yards #2
Vehicle could not be delivered due to inability to gain speed on sand.

  • Changed vehicle to Sandking.

[25] Pole Position Club
Some buildings would disappear on map after dying inside the club. SpitFire has fixed it.


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  • 3 months later...

November 16th, '21

[ Global ]
Decreased size of checkpoint to decrease movement radius.

[26] Standing Vicepoint

  • Turned off wallglitch.
  • Changed vehicle position.
  • Brought defenders spawn a little closer to the vehicle.
  • Changed time to night, for the lights.

[27] Viceport Anarchy

  • Turned off wallglitch.
  • Changed checkpoint and vehicle positions.

[52] VCPD Alley

  • Brough CP and defenders' spawn closer to make the base a little more packed.


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  • 1 year later...

Major change:
Disabled wallglitch globally from all bases.

While it was initially planned to remove it from certain bases such as Sunshine Autos, Syria Warzone, Industrial Training, Rob The Pizza and Chinatown bases. But after removing them from the list, there's not much left. It makes much more sense to have just 1 global setting than to vary gameplay for only a handful of bases. Nevertheless, earlier polls suggested to keep wallglitch disabled completely.


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