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Posts posted by Martyrdom

  1. ...Sigh this topic has been such an absolute mess changing back and forth... 

    1 hour ago, iBEE_tH3_RuL3R said:

    There won't be any forfeit, be it from any of the both teams. It's the final guys, have some sympathy for it, after all the ups and downs all of us (both the players and the staff) went through in an attempt to progress this championship gracefully, don't you all want it to end in a thrilling and graceful way? Come on guys, I understand there are tons of clashes and opinion differences when coming to a conclusion regarding any favorable time slot, but that doesn't means that you'll give up entirely in case the odds don't end on your favor. Have some patience, dedication, and we'll have this match conducted, by any means and by all means. Will come up with necessary details as soon as they surface, until then, stick with this: The FINAL WILL HAPPEN

    We can't wait for you guys to preform and give your best for your respective teams, so please don't let us down. Stay motivated and optimistic, the rest of this shit will work out. 😉

    I guess since we have no choice then ok. We can make a deal to make this final happen which I think both sides will like a lot. @Siezer @aXXo Can you two come over to discord?

  2. W1oYjC4.png

    I am pretty sure you have suggested 18 GMT and now that after some heavy debate we finally accept this hour.... Now you put yet another reason for the match to not happen which is a pretty silly one like how can your squad be half prepared when you guys have even specifically asked for this hour???????

    Honestly, what do you want? Speaking too much about compromises and now that one side finally gives in you put yet another reason to not play? Dude can we just make it easier on both of us and take your own suggestion? You suggested this hour before let's just get this final over with already we don't have much time left.

    I'm sorry if my post came across as rude to some but seriously let's make it easier for both of us. And yes I know my tone changed from my last post but just like you posted 17:30 without consulting your team I also posted it too soon without consulting mine which I shouldn't have my bad.


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  3. 17 minutes ago, Siezer said:

    Compromise in what sense? Are you asking me to play the final match with three players? If that’s what you meant, I am sorry pal, we would rather not play. 

    Neither do we want to play with with just 3 players which is what will happen if us ourselves compromise. I already said when we are available and our availability has been stretched thin by saying 17 GMT already since as Hazard mentioned before we already have issues even at 16 GMT which can be specially noted in the stream of MR vs TLA match, 17 GMT there's literally a very high chance we could gift the match to VU since it'll be even worse at that hour.

    Since this discussion is obviously going nowhere, I'll leave the rest of this match for event staff to handle. 

    Edit: Idk why I wrote VU instead of MR 😳

  4. No, we cannot do an extended deadline. A lot of our members are goners after this weekend including me cuz of university and then it will be a worse situation than this weekend. We can sacrifice some errands to make the match happen a bit later tomorrow but that's it.

    17 GMT is our final suggestion. If nothing happens by then I'll leave the outcome of this match to be decided by event staff.

  5. Before I start handling this report I'd like to point out to refrain from posting a lot of footage irrelevant to the report at hand. Now to the report itself:

    The clip is incomplete it only shows his death and it is hard to make something out of the available content at hand at the moment other than it is pretty easy to accidentally die at that part cuz if u go down sprinting u can accidentally fly off the floor and then take some fall damage and from what I see sanaullah was very low HP already which this + the jump did lead to his death and we do not count accidents as evasions (which is not death evade btw he still died). 

    This is the only conclusion I can arrive to since the only thing I see is a clip of him dying without any further context so if you have any further proof on this feel free to open another report.


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