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  1. I am sorry for replying just now. I have already told my clanmates I am a bit sick at the moment so I haven't been able to handle this. I don't know what date you guys have to propose. I'd like to know your suggestions PD: u1 members consider lowering the ping limit to 300 is better. Thanks!
  2. Well deserved win from RT. We hope to see each other again soon. Thanks to the RTV management for looking after the match!
  3. Of course this is one of Pain's narratives to get everyone he hates punished. It is not worth a second reading this guy's topic as he is usually someone who abuses not only u1 members, but members of all clans and the community. I have nothing to say to be honest. Just a little reminder, do it, and I will mute you again .
  4. I guess that if I'd abused cmds in other servers I'd be demoted in them already. Keep thinking that I will leave you abusing my clan and me when you are in the server. I respect the server's rules and I won't make it any further with you because you are an immature person. A 24h mute was long overdue, I'd have muted you for longer. I will keep muting you forever if you keep disrespecting staff members.
  5. Our bases are Rock City (8) and Washington Brawl (23).
  6. Lederhos* My team: [u1]Lederhos, [u1]S75, [u1]QarZi, [u1]H4RBOR, [u1_A]Clarke, [u1_A]MEER, [u1_A]d4rkrxd, [u1_A]napoleon, [u1_A]D4rKR420R, [u1_J]betyar and [u1_J]JeFFy. We will come with the bases soon.
  7. Thanks @iBEE_tH3_RuL3R Saturday 15 GMT is my new proposal
  8. 24 hours after my last reply, yet no response.
  9. Hey, if you could reply before Friday it'd be great, I need to tell my teammates with anticipation otherwise I can't ensure our attendance. Thanks!
  10. Hey! My proposal for the match is this Saturday 14 GMT
  11. Ufff that'd be an issue mate, that'd be way too early for a player like me who resides in South America. I think I can make an effor to make it happen at 14 GMT if that works for you, but earlier than that I find it impossible. Talking about the weekends, this one seems rather much close to schedule our match, I think it should be played the next weekend without much hurry.
  12. Sup pals. Our proposal is this or next weekend from 15 GMT to 19 GMT. Sunday or Saturday, both work for us. Looking forward to your response.
  13. Sorry for the late response. This weekend is not an option for us. Our proposal is next weekend between 15 GMT to 19 GMT. Any day is fine (Sunday or Saturday).
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