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Everything posted by Urbany

  1. https://imgur.com/9su87d0 crystal generation bitch on english is normal, PERRA in dominican is not
  2. In-game nick: UrbanY Reported player's nick: Pain/Gojx* Date/Time: today Reason for report: racism Extra Info: This player was racist towards me a few days ago, and I let it slide. However, today he continued with this multiple times. He also called me "perra" and "perrita," which is an extremely offensive and sexist term towards women in my country. Some time ago, I used the word "paloma" in reference to a bird, and he lied to the staff, victimizing himself, claiming that he felt extremely offended because I insulted his country and culture. Supposedly, saying "paloma" there is
  3. Nickname: UrbanY Country: Dominican Republic Timezone (GMT +/-): GMT-4 Discord: UrbanY
  4. In-game nick: [RT]UrbanY Admin's nick: =TLA=Gohan. Reason of report: timeout without reason. Date/Time [GMT]: . Extra Info: This all started a few days ago where I started calling pussy and pain -snip- as a nickname for them, it turns out traphole insulted them by saying -snip- but at no time did I make reference to this but to the nickname I had for them. I asked an administrator to change my nickname from UrbanY to -snip and he did it because it is normal, I even asked another administrator before changing my name if I could do it, even knowing that it is not offensive, I ask
  5. friend, I would shoot at a place and the bullets from the m60 returned the rockets, and exploded where it was not, also excuse me on the 3 occasions, it was not intentional
  6. Personal Details Name: Urbany CastaƱos E-mail address: Castanosurbany13@gmail.com Server Details Server Name: ..:[RP]:Vice-City::..::Real-Life:[RP]::. Port: 8192 Playerslots: 100 Gamemode Explanation: RP
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