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[SS]Gohan Fake warn without evidences

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In-game nick: 2smookey
Admin's nick: [SS]Gohan
Reason of report: Warn for nothing
Date/Time [GMT]: Today
Extra Info: (If any) 

 He gave me warn simply for "wg" when I just shot the player when he peeked through the door, This administrator spends his time giving warnings and bans without evidence to everyone.

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Please wait patiently while a Server Manager handles the report.

Please make sure the report does not violate any rules and is in proper format (link), otherwise it will be ignored and denied.

P.S. The report will be locked until an administrator validates and unlocks it.

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I did trust the call of jah for reporting you...
Since he was inside the pizza I thought you were not from behind or had a gap onto there, instead of doing a "report" like this you should basically tell me that you had angle from there... this case is simply useless as can be easily fixed by a command this server has which is /unwarn.
I do accept my mistake but I won't accept that you are blaming me for "spending time on giving warns and bans to everyone without evidence"...



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