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Your Ingame nick: [ON]HunTinG
Admin that banned you: i don't know, I guess my account says 'disapproved' so it's not technically a ban, but I'm gonna call it a ban cuz there's no other ideas
Reason: toxicity(i guess) at that time
Date / Time: i don't remember, must've been 2021

Information: look, I'm sorry, I'll keep it cool alright? it's been a long while and I don't come here with intentions of fucking around and trolling right now, I'll keep it down for you all to enjoy the peace and quiet so that nobody gets offended anymore, so let's get over this and you could perhaps approve my acc


PS: i'll absolutely need VPN to play this server (case you accept this) if that's ok with you, i for some reason cant see any servers with 51.178 subnet lol

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