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  1. I've been waiting for my Forum hosting for ages ;-; Is there anyone to give the forum host?
  2. Personal Details Name: Kalee E-mail address: kaleemkh72@gmail.com Forum Details Forum Name: After Life Webstats/Forum Preferred Domain: after-life.vcmp.net Purpose for forum: I need the webhost for my server's webstats and forum
  3. I've been waiting for the mysql database
  4. Actually I'm shifting my server to mySQL from SQLite3 because I desgined some webstat for it and some other reason, would be appreciated if you assign that
  5. Hey onevice staff, I need a mysql database for my server. My server port is: 9858
  6. Old Nick = Kalee New Nick = InFideL Reason = New Nick is good
  7. I have never mind what you have said but just clearly tell me what is meant by you?
  8. yes my nick is Kalee, it was as "Za.Sta.Nya=Kalee" before
  9. Personal Details Name: Kalee E-mail address: kaleemkh72@gmail.com Server Details Server Name: VC MP Server Port: 9858 Playerslots: 100 Gamemode Explanation: ru v1.0
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