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Posts posted by Waleed

  1. Personal Details
    Name: Waleed
    E-mail address:  viperking5040@gmail.com

    Forum Details
    Forum Name: Vice City Battleground
    Preferred Domain: vcb.vcmp.net
    Purpose for forum: In-game's Server Forum. (MyBB)

  2. Well since there were a issue in our Gang's forum Deadly Rivals it was on when i was trying to go on groups... it was because i messed with it by trying to update.. but it was all fixed later on... now again the problem like that is appearing even this time i didn't try to update or mess up with anything i don't know about.. this kind of error is appearing when i'm going to create a new group and when i'm trying to edit the group... honestly there are few more things... like failing to send emails security update messages so it's happening days after days i need the rest solution for this.. to get fixed Here's a screenshot of what exactly i'm getting all time. 

    Sadly... if we go to update it. then it will destroy main stuff like whole theme and settings.. so it's weird and we can't update it. otherwise we'll have to reinstall the whole theme along with the new settings. 

  3. +1. 
    There should be some more different weapons according to MVP... Like if a Player Gets MVP too early for example Getting MVP in 1 Minute whoever will deliver the vehicle under 1 minute will get heavy weapon. and weapon should be removed till the ammo gets finished. and same goes according to time. Like if player gets MVP under 2 minute will get a little large heavy weapon not heavy than that first one.. so if there would be a limit of ( Too early MVP Rewards ) like we will get fast mvp rewards under the limit. 1 Minute and 2. however we can include 3 Minute but that's looking weird. or we can Say at first whoever will gets mvp in less than 1 minute will be rewarded with a more heavy weapon.. Heavy weapons like some Modified weapons that exist in EC server... Modifying their Shot - Range ( damage ) with new sounds. well i agree with pavonis one too. then this came in my mind. outta nowhere I don't really know if it will looks good or bad 

  4. Current Nick: Waleed
    New Nick: W4l33D
    Reason for Changing the Nick: Just a fancy name Copy the nick from here if you're being confused.

  5. On 4/15/2021 at 6:50 AM, Berkay Khan said:

    Your issue has been resolved, but do check on your side @Waleed and let me know if everything is well functioning.


    yeah Alright the problem is fixed you can lock the topic now

  6. This Skin is kinda weird. i really don't like this skin specially in RTV i prefer Cop Skin because that suits good in RTV although i have a lot thoughts about this taxi skin that i won't leave here xd because it's ramadan and of course this skin should be removed as well Recommending the Cop skin only if you guys are gonna replace the skin. #RTVImprovements 🙂

    • Agree 2
  7. 7 hours ago, Unknown... said:

    i was trying to say that he should have asked me before upadting forum.

    How and Why i should have asked you before updating the forum! But why? I don't even know you and can't say anything till you reveals whoever you're! Either way i've got to wait. for it! as ELK is trying to find a working way for it! 

  8. In-game Nickname: Waleed
    Timezone: GMT + 5
    Time spent in VCMP:  Playing from 2013 but went inactive so it's officially from 2018
    Do you fully understand the server rules, or otherwise, the Code of Conduct: Of course i have known RTV since there were RTV 3 
    Do you have any past experience as a staff member: No, But i'm experienced.

    Why would you like to join the staff team:  I have a little doubt, Nobody believes in me. so because of that i have never got invited/accepted at any server! However i have changed myself a lot than before! at least i'm able to speak half english! that i can do. And i will be honest right here! I like RTV Soo much! missed it a lot when it were on the work. but as finally it has been released! so i would strongly like to Take my position as an Staff! The true fact is that that's still no one believes in me! and i would like to introduce myself I'm completely experienced for admin stuff, I can contribute the server much! as i can do. I would try my best to stay active on it. and i will Protect the server! from hackers, and rule breakers will teach every new members. And this is true i have never been a Staff! Before. So if you can believe in me then there's your decision otherwise. You can also go with Negative! if you can't believe in me thanks

  9. 7 hours ago, Berkay Khan said:

    I have gone through their official forums, support desk and in fact random support forums as well but it seems there's no way you can restore a database to a freshly installed ips forum. I'm still trying to figure out if this is possible some other way around because it won't just help your case atm, it will be helpful for others as well.

    If there literally is no possibility of doing that, I will manually have to go through your configuration file and see what's causing your member groups settings error making it not editable. So, it's going to take some time but your other forum functionalities are working just fine i assume to you gotta give it some time.

    Yeah i'm waiting my friend! and hope it gets fixed! somehow

  10. as ELK, told me to Make an help request right here, Tbh, before i didn't knew how to setup IPS forums but as Ninja tried to teach me so i know some of it's stuff But after a couple of days later i was getting some red error messages which says that's there's a New Update for IPS Community I asked ELK to update it but he was kinda busy or something but after some days those update messages were appearing everywhere right in the forum! plus in Admin Panel I'll be honest I Accidentally Tried to update the forum i thought it's like updating software xd but i didn't realize it may affect some of this forum's features and it did, it messed up with Member's Groups! As for now i'm unable to edit or Create groups it shows a error anytime So when i clicks on any group to edit! It shows this message:

    So when i showed this picture to ELK he said you tried to update the forum so because of that it happened! And this is why i'm here i need a help for this ELK says i can install this forum again but you'll lose everything then! however we thought the forum's database could be saved and we can get back it's data through the backup! but it can't be as he said just now! I need a clear solution for this!

    and i swear i won't do the stuff that i don't know in IPS forums again!

  11. Current nickname: [RD]Luminite
    New nickname: Waleed

    I accidentally registered with Waleed nick! So that's me If you can transfer Luminite to Waleed that would be fine

  12. Personal Details
    Name: Luminite
    E-mail address: viperking5040@gmail.com

    Forum Details
    Forum Name: Deadly Rivals
    Preferred Domain: deadlyrivals.vcmp.net 
    Purpose for forum: Need a Forum for our Gang (IPS)

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