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  1. Personal Details Name: BuilderDemo7 E-mail address: psgameplays245@gmail.com Server Details Server Name: Unsettling Night: Zombie Escape Port: 1799 (or any available port) Playerslots: 24 Gamemode Explanation: This is a server based from the Half-Life's Zombie Escape gamemode where humans have to escape zombie players and zombies have to infect the remaining humans.
  2. yes, i really forgot to log out from the other account. but i hope its ok because my buddy doesn't know how to create accounts in forums it's a long "story"
  3. Name: BuilderDemo7 E-mail address: psgameplays245@gmail.com Server Information Server Name: SKinny Roads Server Port: An Available Port or 1927 Playerslots: 28 Gamemode Name: Deathmatch & others
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