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Abandoned projects & servers (Host Cleanup)

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Host panel accounts for the following abandoned projects and servers have been suspended due to no usage or activity. 

[0.4] Vice Freemode Server - Anish
Vice City Hunter DM 0.4 - Kingston
NeXus World WarZ DM Server - Mr.Fizz
Black clover Deathmatch - Jimmy
Usman Gaming Server - Usman Jutt
Leadership Wars - Leviosa
Arbiter Official Sever - Foster
[0.4] Alpay's Server - Alpays
[RP] Vice-City Real-Life - Urbany
R3V - Battlefield TDM Kill Confirmed - Pumak47
MD Private Server - Hazard
RT Private A/D Server - Sevrin
TFK Private lobby - Ulrich
Top down city Server - Megamind
NWC - Emi
Lost in Central Park - Leviosa
Popstar vcmp server - Popstar

You can open a topic in Support section and let us know if you need a backup of your data or in case if you need your host account back.

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