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Unban Appeal - Harold

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Your Ingame nick: F2.Ninja
Admin that banned you:  Spiller
Reason: actively co-conducting with the attackers
Date / Time: maybe 7-8 months ago

Information: I was never with kewun or P4P4 in crashing servers. i don't remember what exactly happened at that time because it happened long ago.

Supporting evidence (if any):  -

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Last time, just as we were discussing whether to give you another chance or not, the attacks resurfaced after being on a sabbatical for a while I suppose? 

I said this on your last appeal

On 3/19/2022 at 11:35 AM, Spiller said:

'd like to open up more about the "ties with crashers/attackers" topic. That incident was more than just cheating, because that was felonious at community scale. RTV was at the center of the incident, partially because the perpetrator was hell bent to go out of his line to take things up his ass and partially because we were the only ones actively trying to show that we will not fall to such egocentric shmucks. Obviously except for the few others who decided to gain immunity by letting the attackers decide the direction of their servers, I personally, will never forget that.

It was frustrating, to put it mildly, that certain individuals were actually on the side of these crashes. Hear me out, against the community they've been a part of, and played in for years. Of course, it is not upto us to conduct the matters of this community but we did all we could in our power to punish anyone who we thought had even minimum influence in these crashes.

For one more time, I'm ready to assess you with the assumption that you were not tied to those attackers. All I'm saying is, there was one single server which not only was immune from those attacks, but also had the attackers playing and advertising it simultaneously. You happened to be a manager at the said server, so tell me how am I supposed to trust you? 

Explain to me that, and I'll unban you. Put some effort this time.


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11 minutes ago, Spiller said:

Last time, just as we were discussing whether to give you another chance or not, the attacks resurfaced after being on a sabbatical for a while I suppose? 

I said this on your last appeal

For one more time, I'm ready to assess you with the assumption that you were not tied to those attackers. All I'm saying is, there was one single server which not only was immune from those attacks, but also had the attackers playing and advertising it simultaneously. You happened to be a manager at the said server, so tell me how am I supposed to trust you? 

Explain to me that, and I'll unban you. Put some effort this time.

As it was long ago I don't remember what exactly happened but as I remember, I banned P4P4 when he joined the server and then P4P4 crashed the server and developer restarted the server and P4P4 joined again ( idk how ) and then I banned him again and he crashed the server again and then developer told me to not ban him from server instead ban him from weapons that's what I did and then he crashed the server again and I left the server after that.


As I was manager I did what I could do.

I hope it is enough to explain things.

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